Gilga Day 7-Unstoppable shift

Unstoppable shift
By Bishop Tony Marioghae
(Luke 8:22-25)

The 21st century has been shaped by men and women born of God’s spirit and if you want to see things happen, you can’t stay in one place; you need to move into the realm of faith.

Life is defined by opposites and extremes. Failures to navigate through will get you into trouble.
When God calls, He sanctifies and glorifies so that at the end, we give Him the glory.

People get stagnant because of yesterday’s pain and failures. God anoints us so that we can do things that we have never done before.

In human history, it was not the government that changed things, it was men born of God’s spirit.
God raised Martin Luther King with the message in Romans 1:17

There are times that God calls us and when God calls us, things happen.

The reason the devil fights you is because he feels your purpose.

The curve of every major change is characterised by crisis. The devil does not fight those he has imprisoned, he fights those he cannot control.

There are two types of storm:

  1. The storm that comes to destroy
  2. The storm that comes to uproot.

Sometimes, you may carry the nature of God and the devil still comes to fight you.
A nation remains stagnant when the leader lacks vision.

The responsibility of the leadership is to enact policies that will enhance the productive capacity of the people.
Never stay with a leader who has small dreams.

Dreams are big and since they are, learn to dream big.

Every territory is guarded by strong men and so we have to contend to get there.
The reason sometimes God wants you to keep quiet is because He wants you to activate your faith.
The kingdom is not for those who are weak.
You cannot go into a territory without binding the strong man.
Every territory is protected by principalities and powers.
The spirit of God activates the works of God; be careful about the things you say.
You confess what you believe; not what you see.
Without confession, there will be no possession.
The reason you are having turbulence is because you are about to step into something great and huge.
If you want to see the glory of God, you have to fight for the mountains to go.

How to get to the other side of storm

  1. Embrace the word of God. (Joshua 1:8; Psalms 119:105).
  2. Be strong; tough time will not last but prayerful people do. (Joshua 1:9; 2nd Tim 1:7).
  3. Immitate Godly people

God can use anything.
Two types of righteousness

  1. The inputed righteousness
  2. The justice righteousness

If a nation by nature go into the social and moral righteousness of God, they will be exalted.
Every divine conception must have divine products.
There are winds of change and there are winds of destruction (Ezekiel 37:1, Exodus 14:20-21).
Through divine enablement, we overcome and bury the agenda of pharaoh

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