Gilgal Day 3-The Blessing

By Rev Sam Oye
(Amos 9:13, Isaiah 48:3,2nd Chron 29:36)

One of the keys to attracting sudden happenings is what is called THE BLESSING.

It’s one thing to know how powerful THE BLESSING can be and another thing to subscribe to THE BLESSING.
It doesn’t work for those who hear about it but those who subscribe to it. That you know it doesn’t mean you will enjoy it; it is your subscription that would make it to work for you.

(PS 35:27) God gets magnified not just in worship but also in prosperity.

We don’t have a power problem; we only have knowledge problem in the body of Christ.
Prosperity gives God pleasure. If you work for the government you are a government sevant; if you work for God, you are God’s servant and God is pleased with the prosperity of His servants. The God who desires that you proper has a strategy to making you prosper. The problem is that we don’t spend time with Him for us to receive the strategy.
When you prosper, it shows that God is a good God because His majesty is usually seen when His children begin to exhibit what reflects Him.

One of the tools that God uses to prosper His children is THE BLESSING.

What distinguishes God’s people is the expression of THE BLESSING of God on them.

Don’t fight for position rather fight for THE BLESSING.

There’s a difference between a man who studies God’s word in his mouth and a man who is studying the word of God into his heart.
Isreal has no reference to Terah but had reference to Abraham because the blessing was on him and he understood the workings of THE BLESSING.

THE BLESSING brings blessings.

You can have blessings and not have THE BLESSING.

You can be rich without the BLESSING of the Lord. (Gen 12).

The BLESSING is the root and the root must go down first before it bears fruit. Greatness is powered by THE BLESSING.
If you are having greatness without THE BLESSING, you can lose it because of the absence of THE BLESSING.
It is a decree of THE BLESSING at work in the life of an individual that determines his/her brightness upon the earth.
There is always the one that carries the right hand of God; be careful about fighting the one with the right hand because the hand that blesses also protects.
We all have glory but they are not equal.There can only be one right hand on one head per time in a family.
THE BLESSING moved from Abraham to Isaac and then to Jacob.
The oil refused to flow in the hand of Prophet Samuel on the older children of Jesse because the oil was not meant to be on their head until David was located and anointed.


  1. Be careful not to kill the one anointed for the family.
  2. Those of you that carry the right hand should always remember that it is not for ‘you’ but for ‘us’.
    How powerful is the blessing?

(Prov10:22) It makes rich. It is the invisible grace that produces visible results.

Five wonder of THE BLESSING

  1. It establishes you (Gen 1:26-28). Know that THE BLESSING can be transferred through God’s direct visitation, by association through laying of hands and spoken word, by serving the grace of God upon men’s lives.
  2. It elevates you (Gen 12:1-2)
  3. It empowers you. When Jacob entered labans house, he went with a staff but when he was leaving, he left with a troop. You can’t stop a blessed man from rising even when he falls.

I speak the blessing over you; be divinely elevated in the name of Jesus. I decree that THE BLESSING upon your life will empower you to be more than what you are today in Jesus name.

4. The BLESSING protects (Num 23:27).
5. The BLESSING multiplies (ps 107:38).

The BLESSING simplifies the journey of men and the hand that blessed also protects.

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