Epignosis Pt 3

By Rev Sam Oye

Topic: Epignosis Pt 3 – Mega shift through the knowledge of God
Bible Text: Mathew 18:21-35 (NLT)

Verse 35: “That’s what my heavenly father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart.”
Prov 9:10- The wisdom of the Lord brings about the intimate knowledge of God; it brings about sound judgment; knowing God in a precise and experiential way.

One of the dimensions and revelations of God that needs to be known is the ‘mercy of God’.
Lamentation 3:22 says, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassion fails not.”
God wants us to ask for His mercy before He gives it to us. Don’t assume that Mercy will be given if request is not made.
Psalm 51:1 -The love of God compels God to show us His mercy.

God is merciful because He is loving. It is from his love that His mercy flows.

Titus 3:5 says God saves us because of His mercies and not our righteous deeds. Mercy takes away from you the punishments you deserve. This includes shame, reproach and suffering.
Everyone who is a recipient of God’s mercy is required to express God’s mercy. It matters that you show others mercy in order to keep receiving His mercy.
The Bible says God blesses those who show mercy. (Mathew 5:7).
When you show mercy, God shows you much more mercy.
Luke 6:36 (NLT)

To show mercy is what is called real Christianity.

If you are not always finding favour, it is because you don’t always show mercy.
If you don’t sow the seed of mercy, you will reap judgment.

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