Born to make a difference (Part 3)

Born to make a difference (Part 3)
By Rev Sam Oye
(Romans 8:28)
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Purpose simply means agenda, intention or reason.  Therefore, God’s purpose for your life is God’s agenda and original intention for your life. We must note that in the pursuit of purpose, we must carry out assignments. We should however not confuse our assignment for our purpose. If a microphone is being used as a drumstick, it will still produce sound but that is not God’s original intention for it.
Purpose is always bigger and greater than assignment. How you carry out one assignment will determine whether the next assignment will be given. Your ultimate purpose may be to own a school, but your current assignment is being a school teacher.
Sometimes, the journey to destiny begins in the opposite direction. Jesus was destined to be the saviour. Before He was born, it was prophesied but He did not automatically become a saviour, but was involved in His father’s carpentry trade before He began His ministry. In fact, when Jesus began His ministry, they said of Him, “Is that not the carpenter’s son?” Many thought that Jesus was going to remain a carpenter for the rest of His life. They were starting to mistake His assignment for His purpose. God gives revelation ahead of situations so that we can stay focused on the revelation when we are going through the situation.
God has a beautiful agenda for each and every one of us. We must remain dedicated to our assignments for God’s purpose for to be fulfilled. The ultimate purpose of God is to make the caterpillar become a butterfly.
Job 42:4 says, “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted”.
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