Minister: Rev. Sam Oye

Text: Ephesians 3:10 (AMP)


Proverbs 4: 7 – 8 (TPT)

“Wisdom is the most valuable commodity—so buy it! Revelation-knowledge is what you need—so invest in it! Wisdom will exalt you when you exalt her truth.”

Wisdom is the most valuable commodity on Earth. Those who pursue and embrace this commodity rise to become some of the most valuable personalities on Earth. Nothing gives you access to the top like the wisdom of God. Nothing causes you to stand out like the wisdom of God. Anybody can become somebody through the wisdom of God. If you want to increase the value of your life, increase wisdom. Sometimes, you even hear people being called MVPs (Most Valuable Personalities). You need to understand that one of the ways to become God’s MVP is by embracing the wisdom of God.

The wisdom of God makes people forget your age. Young people, pursue wisdom; and pursue it early. Many do not know what to do; some know what to do; the wise ones know what to do and how to do it. Is it not interesting that when God asked Solomon what he wanted, and all Solomon asked for was wisdom. I have seen many with money but lacking in wisdom. It is not the absence of money that makes men poor, it is the absence of wisdom. It is the highest desire you must pursue in your lifetime. In any area that you are struggling is because you lack wisdom.


Principles That Guarantee That Someone Is Wise

  1. Beware of making haste – wise people do not make haste. Hurry is not from the Devil; it is of the Devil himself. The Bible says he that believeth will not make haste. At certain levels in your life, one wrong choice/decision can set you back for years.

Proverbs 21: 5 (TPT)

“Brilliant ideas pay off and bring you prosperity, but making hasty, impatient decisions will only lead to financial loss.”

Hasty decisions always lead to losses. Pause before you engage. Anyone who will not let you take time to process the thoughts, or proposal, do not let them put you under pressure. Decisiveness means you have taken into all the accounts necessary; you have considered all the variables of success, and this is the decision to make and you must make it now. It is not something you make without recourse to intelligent investigation of the issues involved.


  1. Wise people trust God.

Proverbs 3: 5 (TPT)

“Trust in the Lord completely, And do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, And he will lead you in every decision you make.”

Wise people value their minds, but they trust in their God. In all your ways, acknowledge him. The higher you go, even with the minutest of things, make sure you inquire from the Lord. Small things bring down big people. The availability of funds can make you rely less on God. Wise people trust God, not men. Believe men but leave trust for God. The best of men has the worst side of themselves.

Proverbs 16: 3 (TPT)

Before you do anything, put your trust totally in God and not in yourself. Then every plan you make will succeed.


  1. Wise people are generous.

Proverbs 3: 9 – 10 (TPT)

“Glorify God with all your wealth, honoring him with your firs fruits, with every increase that comes to you. Then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!”

Your firs fruits is not a law matter, it is an honor matter. It is about honoring the source with the first. Glorify God with not your words, but your wealth.

Luke 6:38 (TPT)

“Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! The measurement of your generosity becomes the measurement of your return.”

We all do not blow at the same time. God opens the door for one who brings others to the platform for him also to explode. Destinies are connected. We will not know each other if our destinies were not connected. The lifting of one is the lifting of the other. Be generous. Jesus was generous with his life. Be generous with yours, it multiplies you.