The Wonders of God's Presence 1 By Rev Sam Oye

April 4, 2022
 (1st Service)
1st Kings 5: 4 (Amp)
I have come to a place of recognition that one of the major things we all seek for, whether among the poor the rich, the educated and the non-educated, is found in the word REST. It doesn’t matter the physical or material representation it may carry, it always points to the desire for rest. The end of all work is rest; the goal of all labour is rest. This is why the greatest of all tragedies is when a person laboured all through life and didn’t enter his rest. Psychologically, everything you need out of life is to guarantee rest. Even at death, the greatest hope for the survivors is that the deceased has truly entered rest. Rest is so vital to man that he seeks rest sometimes at any cost in drugs, extra-marital affairs and in alcohol.
One thing about rest though is that it has a look-alike. The worst kind of rest is the type that sin gives because it does not alert you, but makes feel that you have found true rest in God. Another thing you must bear in mind is that rest is not a place, in a position, in possession and properties. It only comes from the Lord. Matthew 11:38 –  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Although a person can seek rest anywhere, the only place to find true rest is with God. Look to Him today, let Him give you rest.