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The Transforming Church

Singles Ministry

One of the core values of The Transforming Church is "Family Wellbeing". The Lead Pastors of The Transforming Church Int'l, Rev. Dr. Sam Oye and his amiable wife, Pastor Mary Oye are passionate about properly preparing singles for marriage.

Through the various programs organized for singles, singles are fully equipped to make sound marital decisions because the choice of a life partner hugely determines the outcome of any marriage.

The Transforming Church Singles (TTC Singles) are called "The Promise Keepers". Apart from TTC Singles who are all members of The Transforming Church, The Lead Pastors also set up "The Global Singles Network" which houses Singles who follow and benefit from the ministry of Rev. Dr. Sam Oye globally, although they may not be members of The Transforming Church.

Global Singles Prayer Conference

The GSPC affords Singles the opportunity of meeting Rev. Dr. Sam Oye either one on one or virtually for prayers, bearing in mind the fact that some delays in marriage are more spiritual than physical.

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Singles End of Year Get- Together

At the end of every year, usually in December; Singles from different locations of the church converge to connect, relax and unwind for the year.

Singles Valentine's Event

At this period, Singles creatively come together to network and connect during the valentine period.

The Singles Mid-year Boot Camp

At the middle of every year, Singles across various locations of the Church connect at a Boot Camp. This meeting focuses more on specific gender issues affecting Brothers and Sisters in the Fellowship.

Lead Pastors Mentoring Program

The Lead Pastor, Rev. Dr. Sam Oye will be working globally with a pool of relationship coaches properly mentored by him.

For the above reason, he will be organizing coaching and mentoring programs for such individuals.

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Singles Breakfast Meeting

The SBM offers Singles across the globe the opportunity of connecting with Rev. Dr. Sam Oye. During the meetings, Singles meet Coach Sam one on one or virtually.

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The Annual Singles Conference

The Promise Keepers Annual Conference holds in the month of October of every year. During the Conference, both internal and external guest ministers are invited to preach at the Conference.

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2024 Global Singles Prayer Conference With Rev. Dr. Sam Oye
About us

The Transforming Church Singles Fellowship is the Singles arm of The Transforming Church Int'l.

To raise transformational leaders for global excellence.
We exist to lead singles into a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.
Core Values:
- Leadership Development
- Inspiring Worship
- Family wellbeing
- Excellent Service

Rev. Dr. Sam and Mary Oye
(Lead Pastors)